samsung j800 clone mt6572 fix 100% testing firmware

Reading Flash Content now

Brand : Samsung
ProdName : SM-J800FN
ProdModel : SM-J800FN
Device : j7209
AndroidVer: 4.2.2
MTKxCPU : MT6572
MTKxPRJ : J7209_6.0.1_V1.6 20161108-1519
[Read Ok] : preloader_j7209.bin
[Read Ok] : MBR
[Read Ok] : EBR1
[Read Ok] : lk.bin
[Read Ok] : boot.img
[Read Ok] : recovery.img
[Read Ok] : secro.img
[Read Ok] : logo.bin
[Read Ok] : system.img
[Read Ok] : cache.img
[Read Ok] : userdata.img
[ScatCFG] : MT6572 / V1.1.1 / j7209 / EMMC
Android Info saved
HWConfig Info saved
FW Size : 624 MiB
What problem would be resolved by this software!
1: Auto Re-started took the phone.
2: When the phone LCD white or black.
3: When Auto is an Internet connection.
4: Monkey / sexy when infected.
5: RAM becomes slow.
6: When the phone stores is full .
7: When the phone is missing the program.
8: The phone does not work in the program.
9 : When the phone is privacy locked.
10 : When the phone is pattern locked .

SAMSUNG SM-J800 Fash File (MT6572) Stock Rom Firmware

Alert: [#] Take a Backup of your Personal Smartphone data before Flash, Upgrading or instaling
the firmware on your Smartphone. This Backup can help you to recover the personal data
whenever any thing wrong happens. and Enjoy my Smartphone Firmware/Flashfile
How to use Write Flash file/firmware
These requirements of SAMSUNG SM-J800 is battery backup of minimum 50% Up to 80%.
1 Step: Download This Firmware SAMSUNG SM-J800 firmware & unzip This Firmware.
2 Step: Download Smartphone Update flash tool from
3 Step: Download Usb Driver & Setup This Require Android Usb Vcom Driver.
4 Step:Open Smartphone flash tool & Load Your Targeted Scatter firmware.
5 Step: Select MTk scatter Document file & Click.
6 Step: Press Download/Upgrade Button.
7 Step: Power Off your Phone Press Volume – Or+ and Insert usb Cable.
8 Step: All Step Correct Use/flash Running & wait 3-6 Minute flash Done.
9 Step: flash Done/Open Download Green Signal.
10 Step: Unplug your Phone & reconnect Your Battery.
11 Step: Press Power Key/Button.
12 Step: Flash Done & Enjoy
download Here for free rar password is 

samsung j8 clone firmware 100%

samsung j800 clone mt6572 fix 100% testing firmware

Reading Flash Content now

Brand : Samsung
ProdName : SM-J800FN
ProdModel : SM-J800FN
Device : j7209
AndroidVer: 4.2.2
MTKxCPU : MT6572
MTKxPRJ : J7209_6.0.1_V1.6 20161108-1519
[Read Ok] : preloader_j7209.bin
[Read Ok] : MBR
[Read Ok] : EBR1
[Read Ok] : lk.bin
[Read Ok] : boot.img
[Read Ok] : recovery.img
[Read Ok] : secro.img
[Read Ok] : logo.bin
[Read Ok] : system.img
[Read Ok] : cache.img
[Read Ok] : userdata.img
[ScatCFG] : MT6572 / V1.1.1 / j7209 / EMMC
Android Info saved
HWConfig Info saved
FW Size : 624 MiB
What problem would be resolved by this software!
1: Auto Re-started took the phone.
2: When the phone LCD white or black.
3: When Auto is an Internet connection.
4: Monkey / sexy when infected.
5: RAM becomes slow.
6: When the phone stores is full .
7: When the phone is missing the program.
8: The phone does not work in the program.
9 : When the phone is privacy locked.
10 : When the phone is pattern locked .

SAMSUNG SM-J800 Fash File (MT6572) Stock Rom Firmware

Alert: [#] Take a Backup of your Personal Smartphone data before Flash, Upgrading or instaling
the firmware on your Smartphone. This Backup can help you to recover the personal data
whenever any thing wrong happens. and Enjoy my Smartphone Firmware/Flashfile
How to use Write Flash file/firmware
These requirements of SAMSUNG SM-J800 is battery backup of minimum 50% Up to 80%.
1 Step: Download This Firmware SAMSUNG SM-J800 firmware & unzip This Firmware.
2 Step: Download Smartphone Update flash tool from
3 Step: Download Usb Driver & Setup This Require Android Usb Vcom Driver.
4 Step:Open Smartphone flash tool & Load Your Targeted Scatter firmware.
5 Step: Select MTk scatter Document file & Click.
6 Step: Press Download/Upgrade Button.
7 Step: Power Off your Phone Press Volume – Or+ and Insert usb Cable.
8 Step: All Step Correct Use/flash Running & wait 3-6 Minute flash Done.
9 Step: flash Done/Open Download Green Signal.
10 Step: Unplug your Phone & reconnect Your Battery.
11 Step: Press Power Key/Button.
12 Step: Flash Done & Enjoy
download Here for free rar password is 


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